Vietnam 25 Years Documenting a Changing Country


Catherine Karnow’s attachment to Vietnam, her 25-year history of photographing the morphing society and landscape, is a visual diary of how she entered this land of enigma and discovered its twists and turns at every intersection of life.

Her photographs reveal the story of a poignant and emotional journey following in the footsteps of her esteemed father, Stanley Karnow, the renowned journalist of the seminal book and award winning documentary Vietnam: A History.

Both soft back and hard back books are temporarily out of stock. Pre-Order your personally signed Soft back or Hard back "Collector's Edition" today, by contacting us directly. 



Hardback $65

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Softback $45

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Catherine’s retrospective: Vietnam 25 Years Documenting a Changing Country opened at the Art Vietnam gallery in Hanoi, where it became the most visited show at Vietnam’s most prestigious gallery.


Catherine is regularly profiled in the Vietnamese press. Recently a documentary on her "Destiny in Vietnamaired on Talk Vietnam, a show seen by millions around the world.